Friday, 15 April 2016


The Benefits of a Professional Dermaroller or Home Dermaroller Device.

A dermaroller is a lightweight tool consisting of a handle with a small barrel attached, covered in tiny needles. The needles range from titanium to surgical grade stainless steel. It is extremely important that they should arrive in a sturdy sterile packaging. The quality of your roller is extremely important, please don’t be tempted to purchase a cheap device, safety and efficacy first! 

Home-use rollers start at 0.2-0.3mm, with professional rollers being 1mm for a face treatment. The epidermis on the face varies in thickness from approximately 0.5mm (eyelids) – 1.5mm; therefore your professional roller is able to penetrate the skin somewhere around the basal junction, possibly slightly deeper. As there are no blood vessels present in the epidermis but pinprick bleeding may occur during the professional rolling process when contact is made with the upper dermis. 

A professional dermaroller treatment is intended to cause a degree of trauma to the skin. This trauma stimulates new collagen cells in abundance.                               

The ageing process, low body weight, regular intense exercise, smoking, drinking, diet and the environment all impacts collagen and elastin in your skin. 

The Dermaroller creates 1000’s of minor pinprick wounds to the skin which then begins to heal itself. A wound heals in three 3 stages:

1.Inflammation (erythema, oedema and the release of growth factors)

2.Proliferation (fibroblast stimulation, creating new collagen cells)

3.Tissue remodelling (collagen continues to build and contraction takes place)

Having created 1000s of these micro channels we can optimize this treatment by flooding the skin with active ingredients, which will work at a cellular level and be at their most efficacious. By adding these serums greater results can be achieved.

The home dermaroller is pain free but you may experience a tingling sensation and you will notice a high pink complexion which only lasts for a few hours. 

The professional Dermaroller treatment is certainly not pain free (ample numbing cream is applied prior to treatment), it does offer a more economical solution to some other ablative therapies. It has limited exclusionaries/contraindications, very limited downtime, and when delivered safely no side effects. It is an ideal treatment for:

  • Pitted acne scarring
  • Ice pick scarring
  • Pigmentation
  • Stretch marks
  • Anti-ageing, lines, wrinkles and lax skin


  • No downtime
  • No side effects
  • Suits all skin types
  • Tightening and lifting
Professional Treatments are available in Bath email
or The Professional Home kit is available from

Feeling Brave with this makeup free selfie. Loving the roll and glow for my 50 years.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Karren Cloyton. Thank you for all your tips on how to use the dermaroller.
