Friday, 8 January 2016

Start The New Year with a new Healthy Skin Diet

Let’s start the New Year with a 7 day or more Cleanse and Body Break.
We are all aware of the pollutants in the environment and the wear and tear on our bodies through the festive season. So maybe January is a good time to give our body’s liver and organs a well-deserved break. Take some early nights, healthy eating, exercise and abstain from alcohol, it’s just for a few weeks. If you smoke my advice to you is to give up now if you want to grow looking younger, it’s very detrimental to your skin and accelerates the ageing process, along with too much sun exposure I am sad to say.
Detoxing will bring a sparkle to your eyes, boost energy levels, and shift a few unwanted kilos. Bonus your skin will look glowing. Diet does affect our skin and new evidence shows changing the way you eat can help clear up acne, keep your skin firm, soft and supple.
Foods to avoid.  Alcohol – Cigarettes- Dairy Products- Refined Sugar products like sweets and chocolates -Artificial Sweeteners-Coffee- Wheat (bread, biscuits, cakes, pasta) rye, barley, oats, spelt and rye.­- Dried Fruit-Processed meals, Processed fruit juices-Margarines- rule if you can’t read don’t eat it.
Cutting back on sugar. Refined sugar causes a process called glycation, which can damage the collagen and elastin that keeps the skin firm and youthful.
Foods to Enjoy.  Fruit any and all fresh fruit- Vegetables any and all fresh vegetables- Fish fresh, canned in water or olive oil- Lean meat and poultry (without skin) limit 2 servings a week. Legumes dried or canned such as kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils- Eggs preferably organic- Olive oil preferably virgin Coconut oil (unprocessed)- Nuts raw unsalted, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds- Green tea, tea decaffeinated. Water from one to three litres per day
Hormones found in meat and poultry have been associated with acne so try and source organic and grain-fed beef and poultry. Fish is a great alternative particularly salmon and other oily fish, rich in omega oils fantastic for the skin.  
Start the day with a liver cleanse using juice of a fresh lemon in a cup of hot water First thing in the morning before breakfast.  
Eat for alkalinity. Cleansing your body from inside out eat more alkaline-forming foods, such as parsley, almonds, kale, pears, lemons and apples. If your body is to acidic which can happen with an unbalanced diet, it leaches the alkaline minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, that allow us to have strong hair, bones and teeth.
So let’s get started - it’s quite simple to follow basically healthy eating, try to rest and get plenty of beauty sleep. Drink plenty of pure water too.    
Note When you reduce certain foods within your diet you may experience headaches or loose bowel activity. Do not detox if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, elderly, have high blood pressure, are under weight. Seek medical advice if you have any medical conditions.

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