You’ve heard of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and are probably a little familiar with the physiological benefits of acupuncture, but have you heard of meridian massage? Adapted from the ancient technique of guā shā, meridian massage fuses the TCM meridian theory used in acupuncture into Western esthetic techniques by massaging key meridian facial points along energy pathways using unique tools for increased circulation, younger-looking skin and overall wellness benefits. It can be incorporated into a spa’s facial services for a unique offering that delivers real results.
For the face, meridian massage has been shown to improve circulation by 400% and smooth fascia and facial muscles, which lifts sagging facial contours and recontours the face. In addition, the improved circulation evens skin tone and texture to boost radiance. Meridian facial massage can even be thought of as a means of “exercising the face” since it increases oxygen uptake to help keep skin toned and healthy-looking. For younger skin types, benefits include reducing acne conditions, diminishing dark eye circles and providing a healthier glow. For mature skin types, recontouring treatments lift sagging skin, minimize fine lines restore a healthy glow and improve the skin’s natural ability to absorb.
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