Tuesday, 30 September 2014

What is Semi-Permanent Makeup?

Semi Permanent make-up ?
Semi – Permanent make-up or micropigmentation is a delicate, controlled method of applying subtle micro insertions of pigment to the skin. The technique is similar to standard tattooing; however pigments are used instead of ink. The idea is to form a gentle shadow of colour to the skin achieving a natural finish.
What to expect ?
Unlike a standard tattoo, semi- permanent make-up is applied in stages. The procedure consists of an initial consultation, an application focus visit and a follow up visit. During your initial visit you will receive an in depth consultation where you and your technician will choose customised colour blends and decide on the perfect shape and definition. To optimise desired results we will also incorporate and focus on balancing asymmetrical aspects of the face and/or correcting uneven features.
Immediate results will always appear slightly darker for the first few days until skin has healed. This is where proper post care is essential to ensure lasting results. A follow up visit is recommended 4-6 weeks later. This visit will focus on applying any needed final touches on colour, shape or definition.
An anaesthetic is used during each procedure reducing discomfort and minimising potential of pain and swelling. As the healing process takes place over the following two weeks clients are asked to simply keep the area clean and protected with a hydrating solution. Clients are able to resume normal activity and use make-up the following day.
Final ResultThe final result is a natural enhancement of  facial features:
  • Brightening of the eyes by lengthening the look of lashes and straightening eye contour and shape.
  • Balancing and framing the face by thickening, shaping or even redefining brows.
  • Enriching ones natural colour and shape of lips to achieve an all day luscious pout.
  • Add a bit of charm and uniqueness to your skin with a beauty mark
Why Semi Permanent Make-up ?
  • Smudge free – Hassle free
  • Low Maintenance
  • Water proof
  • Partner proof
  • Natural
  • Customized – Long lasting make up that may change your life forever!
Who is it for ? Anyone who prefers looking their best all of the time.


Tuesday, 23 September 2014

What is a Caci non-surgical treatment?

Facial Toning
 As we grow older our facial muscles naturally start to lose tone and elasticity.Genetics, lifestyle, weight fluctuation and environmental factors can all influence the rate and degree to which our muscles will lose their tone as we all know first impressions count and a sagging face can make you look tired, miserable and older than your years. Following over 20 years of research and development CACI International can now offer a non surgical solution to combat loss of muscle tone using CACI micro current facial toning therapy.
Microcurrent therapy was originally developed as a medical application to treat facial palsy and muscle tone was restored by applying tiny micro-current electrical impulses to the affected muscles.
Today this proven technology is now available in thousands of aesthetic clinics as a painless cosmetic treatment and is commonly referred to as “facial toning” or “the non surgical face lift”.
During each 1 hour treatment session all 32 facial muscles are gently manipulated and re-educated by a trained therapist using a series of precise movements. Soft cotton tipped wands are used on the face to transmit the micro-current energy to the facial muscles to restore tone and elasticity.
Results are visible after the very first treatment but a course of twelve treatments is generally recommended.
After a course of CACI facial toning treatments facial contours will look lifted and toned.
A monthly top up treatment is recommended to maintain results.
Facial Toning is offered using the following treatment systems Classic, Quantum, Ultra, Ultimate


Thursday, 18 September 2014

What is Microdermabrasion?

What is Microdermabrasion? And why do we all need to exfoliate our skin
Microdermabrasion, also known as “microderm” or “lunchtime facelift”, is a safe, non-chemical, non-invasive procedure and one of the most effective anti-aging treatments. It is a gentle skin resurfacing treatment that can rejuvenate and restore the natural glow to the skin, without the need for downtime.
The skin is constantly generating new skin cells at the lower layer (deep layer- dermis) and sending them to the surface  (topmost layer- epidermis). As the cells rise to the surface they gradually die and become filled with keratin. These keratinized skin cells are essential because they give our skin its protective quality. But they are constantly sloughing off to make way for younger cells.
As we age the process of cell turnover slows down. Cells start to pile up unevenly on the skin’s surface, giving it a dry, rough, dull appearance. Exfoliation is beneficial because it removes those cells on top layer of the skin (stratum corneum) that are clinging on, revealing the fresher, smoother and younger skin cells below. Some of the skin’s visible imperfections like fine lines and sun damaged are removed. And now without stratum corneum layer, topical high-tech skin care products can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and help build collagen, which gives skin its youthful appearance.

How does microdermabrasion work?
Diamond-tip microdermabrasion uses the vacuum technology and hand-held wand. There aren’t any crystals moving through the tip. The diamond tip itself exfoliates the skin and the vacuum whisks the dead skin away. There are many different tips with various grades of roughness, and the esthetician chooses the correct one for your skin type and condition. Diamond-tip microdermabrasion is much less uncomfortable, but achieves the same results. It is also usually better for sensitive skin.

Is Microdermabrasion painful?
Microdermabrasion is performed with very little discomfort. At the most, sensitive skin might experience a slight sensation resembling light sunburn. After treatment, the skin has a pink glow, and you can resume your normal activities almost immediately. The procedure can be done during lunch hour.

What are the benefits of a Microdermabrasion Facial?
  • Immediate results
  • Causes minimal discomfort
  • No anesthesia or recovery time required
  • Safe for all skin types and tones, even for sensitive and dark skin types
  • Can be performed quickly (30 minutes)
  • Return immediately to daily activities
  • More affordable than laser, botox, collagen, surgery or other methods
  • Can achieve dramatic results to soften fine lines and wrinkles, help to smooth coarsely textured skin, decrease the appearance of scarring, decrease pore size, and reduce superficial hyper-pigmentation, also known as age spots
How does microdermabrasion help aging skin?
Microdermabrasion stimulates skin cell turnover
by removing the dead cells from the skin’s surface, and also by causing “micro-damage” – or mini-trauma to the skin’s surface that is not enough to be visible but sufficiently severe to trigger the arrival
of collagen and “repair cells” to the skin’s surface. Because these “repair cells” are newer and younger, they improve the skin’s appearance. Also, the removal of surface layers improves the effectiveness of topical anti-aging products by enhancing their ability to penetrate the skin.

How does microdermabrasion help acne and beneath-the-surface bumps?

Acne, blackheads and whiteheads result from sebaceous materials – or oil – clogging the pores, sometimes rupturing under the surface. By peeling away surface layers of the skin, microdermabrasion can remove the material trapped in many of the pores, further, the removal of surface layers improves the effectiveness of topical acne medications by enhancing their ability to penetrate the skin.

How many treatments will I need?
Age and skin condition determine the number of treatments required to achieve optimum result. A typical regimen consists of a series of four to eight treatments done at intervals of two to four weeks. Our skilled estheticians will recommend a program for you.

Do not get microdermabrasion if you have extremely sensitive skin, diabetes, vascular conditions like rosacea, skin inflammation, bacterial infections, lack of tactile sensation, keloid scarring, cuts and abrasions, or have gotten Botox within 72 hours. Other contraindications to microdermabrasion include sunburn, viral infections like herpes simplex, and acne. If you are taking anti-coagulant drugs.



Monday, 15 September 2014

Protecting Your Skin From Sun Damage.

One of the best and least expensive paths to beautiful, youthful skin is using an effective sunscreen.Sunscreen is your very best beauty aid- reducing photo damage to the skin, sun spots, leathery looking appearance, wrinkles and prominent blood vessels. Sagging skin, sallow colour with uneven skin texture and tone.  Avoid putting your face in the sun under any circumstances.

Learn about how to protect your skin from the sun with my latest free e-book on 5 Steps to Protecting your skin from sun damage.                                                      
Lots of tips on sunscreens, the truth about tanning, how to avoid skin aging during the summer and restoring a healthy more youthful appearance.

   Subscribe to receive your free e-books



Thursday, 11 September 2014

Wow With Your Brows

Brows keep getting bigger and bolder. Power brows are now an essential part of completing your make-up look. Early adopters of the trend were the fashion set but the look has now become mainstream. One of the most popular treatments I now get asked for is Hd brows, a technique, which involves tinting, waxing, tweezing and threading. This treatment is designed to create a fuller and more defined and arched brow shape, which gives an instant lift to your brow and gives a more polished and sophisticated look. We are also asked more frequently for semi-permanent makeup, which can create the perfect brow shape- for ladies with sparse or non-existent brows.                    Our ladies are usually totally amazed at how different their brows look and are suddenly causing a wow! 
You can also learn how to create a similar look at home using measuring, careful tweezing and brow makeup with  my e-beauty book - How to create the Perfect Brows.