Sunday, 22 June 2014

The Good and Bad of Subathing

What might one think of when thinking of the beach? Sand, water, bikini's ...and sunbathers. Sunbathing is a popular leisure activity. And, in a country where tanning is "in", many don't pay much attention to the sun's harmful effects.
Let's take a look at some problems with sunbathing and maybe some reasons why sun for the skin is good.
First, we will start with some of the harmful effects that are often ignored which are:
  • Skin Dehydration and heat stroke. 
  • Sunburn
  • Skin aging
  • Prickly heat/ heat rash
  • Sunstroke
Your skin loses moisture when in the sun for too long and can become dried out if in the sun too long. Dehydration occurs when This is caused when the body loses water content and essential body salts such as sodium, potassium, calcium bicarbonate and phosphate. Dehydration and heat stroke can both occur with too much sun.

Make sure you drink plenty of water if you're going to be out in the sun.

Sunburn is caused by overexposure to the suns UV rays. This is why sunscreen is so important ; it helps to block skin from harmful rays.
Also, skin aging is caused by too much exposure to sun and can be helped with a sunscreen of SPF 50 or more.
Prickly heat is caused by the tiny sweat glands becoming blocked by  sweating. It's common in people exposed to long periods of heat and can lead to high fevers. Treatment for Prickly heat is usually to stay out of the much as possible.
Sunstroke is a very dangerous condition where the body's heat-regulating system stops working well from overexposure to the sun or high temperatures. Sunstroke can be prevented by drinking plenty of water and avoiding overtaxing the body in hot weather and while exercising.

What are the positives of the sun?
The first benefit comes from the sun's supply of Vitamin D.                                                       Vitamin D helps absorb dairy foods to keep your body healthy and strong. You only need a little bit.
Sunlight can help your mood. People who do not see sunlight or are not out in it much at all have been linked to more depression.
Finally, sunlight can actually help reverse osteoporosis. Many people take calcium supplements but are not getting sunlight, so the calcium is passing right through their bodies. As a result, they're losing bone mineral density.
It's important to know facts about the sun because of it's effects on the body. Some sun is not a bad thing, it's overexposure that can have harmful side effects.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Hot Sunny Days - Keep Your Skin Safe.

  • On a cloudy day 30 to 50 per cent of the sun's UV rays reach your skin, so it's still possible to burn.
  • You may not feel the sun's rays if it's windy, but they still cause damage.
  • Brief intensive sunbathing is harmful, eg all day in the sun for one week. It may contribute to skin cancer developing.
  • On hot days use a hat and cover up arms and legs with loose-fitting clothes.
  • Vitamin D is essential for good bone health, and up to 90 per cent of our requirements are probably gained through the effects of sunlight. The complete facts and figures about how much is needed to prevent severe diseases, such as rickets, is not absolutely clear. But the current advice is that 10 to 15 minutes exposure to the summer sun 2 to 3 times a week should be sufficient to keep us healthy without taking any risks.

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    Friday, 13 June 2014

    A beauty treatment that is totally free.

    Were you aware that one of the most harmful things you can do to your skin is failing to drink enough water?
     This one thing can quickly begin to age your skin. The dryer you are under the surface of your skin, the more damage it does to the top layer of your skin.

    One of the first things you will notice, without proper hydration, is the wrinkles on your skin and a dramatic increase in the wrinkles on your face, especially around the eye area.

    It's never to late to slow down this process and begin to heal the damage already done.            
    Even if you don't like water force yourself to consume at least  eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day.  Also eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables which are full of antioxidants, vitamins, fibre and water.